Carrier-class 8 slot chassis based on a fully resilient design creates a highly available network for today’s most demanding campus core and data center networks. Fully programmable AOS-CX software delivers automation with built-in monitoring and analytics to improve visibility and troubleshooting.
High performance 19.2 terabits per second switching (1.2Tbps/slot) capacity
Aruba Virtual Switching Extension (VSX) for high availability, redundant management, power, and fabric
Built-in REST APIs and Python scripts for complete automation and programmability
Intelligent monitoring, visibility and remediation with Aruba Network Analytics Engine
One touch deployment with the Aruba CX Mobile App
Aruba NetEdit support for automated configuration and verification
Advanced Layer 2/3 feature set includes BGP, EVPN, OSPF, VRF-Lite, and IPv6
High density, line rate 10GbE/25GbE/40GbE/100GbE connectivity